106_CSP_Can I get a printable copy of the course?



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Can I get a printable copy of the course?



IHRDC’s learning platforms are optimized for online course delivery, and thus, there isn't a conventional "book" output format for printing entire courses. However, for certain products like IPIMS or Operations & Maintenance (OM), there are some printable options available.



IPIMS courses

In IPIMS, you can copy and paste portions of the text as needed. To enable the copy function:

  1. Click the NOTES button in the toolbar located in the upper-right corner of the course page.

  1. Click the checkbox for IPIMS content copy function. The Copyright Information acknowledgement is displayed.

  1. Click the I ACKNOWLEDGE button. The copy function will then be enabled.




Operation & Maintenance (OM) courses

For certain Operations & Maintenance courses, you can access the TEXT VERSION by clicking the Text button on the top right corner inside the course.




Images for Eme: