30_IPIMS_Where is the Video Tutorial?

Current article: https://els-support.ihrdc.com/hc/en-us/articles/204857667-Where-is-the-Video-Tutorial-






Title: Where is the Video Tutorial?


Can see together all the videos?


The “Video Tutorial” option that was available in previous IPIMS versions is now the “All Videos” tab in IPIMS. The “All Videos” tab provides the same functionality as the “Video Tutorial”.

In the “All Videos” tab are available all the subtopic videos. In this section, the videos are shown in large size. Full-screen option, subtitles, and closed captioning are also provided.


Rev Question:
What happened to the "Video Tutorial" section in IPIMS, and how can I access it now?


Rev Answer:
The "Video Tutorial" section, familiar to users of previous IPIMS versions, has been updated and renamed as the "All Videos" tab in the latest version of IPIMS. Located after the Subject Listing section at the Subtopic level on the left menu, the "All Videos" tab offers an organized collection of all available videos for the subtopic you're exploring. Each video entry includes its duration in minutes and seconds along with the total time of all videos in the subtopic, providing a comprehensive overview. As you engage with this section, videos will play sequentially in a large video format for an uninterrupted learning experience. Additionally, all the familiar features like closed captioning and transcripts are still available to enhance your understanding and accessibility.